

Smart people says that "they" have more responsability in order to rule the world, in order to teach others how to proceed under certain circumstances to make a better world.
the smartest people are centainly more capable of anything considering their potential to manage multiple variables at the same time. More IQ= more capacity, thats for sure.
why is not that people involved in gobernments? why are they working in multinational companys? or private companys? just for their own benefits.
we all do our part, give our best to society not killing, not robbing, not doing nothing wrong. that's bullshit and you all know it.
individualism is the premise for every family in the world now. we don't care about others, not even the smartest people in the world care, but that's our fault. they have tryed and we just keep ignoring them one time after another.
Imagine a single individual who can speak 250 lenguages, or more, processes the same information than a computer or more. what could he or she achive as a political-economical-social consultant for a government ?. A person who can predict facts before they occure just studying the history, or prevent an asteroid colition on earth from the space, some one who is capable of conceive the theory of worm holes before this theory even existed in our "advanced" cience fields.
people like William James Sidis the one in the picture above. This man was the smartes human being in history, and he's not even in our textbooks in school. he died in 1944 and was capable of this things i have written and much much more.
Highest IQ worth nothing for us if they are not required to be in charge, they are seen as if they were an abortion of nature, we don't give them the chance to prove themselves worthy of their responsability to make a better world because we are afraid of being shadowed by them, afraid of loosing control. instead of trusting the obvious we choose to stick with the old and stupid values we have been useing for too long.
nature is telling us to pay attention to this people, and we just keep ignoring the obvious call.
untill we put this people in charge we're going to remain going backwards in this so called evolution we think we are developing in the name of the cience among other things.



"I do not believe the State has the right to tell me what to put in my head. We have a law for free speech, free assembly, and so on. I think the same thing applies regarding what I put into my body. I don't think the state has any more right to tell me what to put in my mouth than it has to tell me what can come out of my mouth. Those two are essentially the same thing—and they both are essential elements of freedom."
U.S.A. INDIRECT EFFECTS BECAUSE OF THE DROGS PROHIBITION "One of the worst features of our prohibition is its international effects. Here we are responsible in the United States for the deaths of hundreds or thousands of people in Latin America—in Colombia and Peru and so on. Why are they dying? They are dying because we cannot enforce our own laws...we are fundamentally a murderer of people in countries like Peru."
there is an undeniable reality, powerful goberments operate from bad premises, "laws against drougs" causing damage to poor countries. marihuana prohibition laws for example, not mentioning another hard drogs like cocaine and so on. this laws against drugs are wrong. believe it or not it is as simple as that.