
before and after

we, humans, have many things in common, but the most important is the change.
those who claim not to change, those who stick to their old patterns every day, those who don't embrace the change as something natural are not simply wrong, but probably unstable, sad, stressed or sick.
stop for a second and think about this;
how many "before and after" moments do you have in your life?
not just those events that marked you, like death or sickness, that's more than ovbious, i'm talking about those moments you attempted to make them happend even if they worked out or not.
I am not talking about if what we attempted to do was successful or not.
because things that end up the wrong way, will lead us to somewhere else, different than the other choice we had, and that will lead us to another place even more different, and so on ... until you realize that if it had not been for that first decition you took, you might not be where you are now.
the logic here is devastating: please think about it, if you follow the same path every day, same time, same pace, less chances you have to encounter something new, something that could be this " before and after" moment we all are looking for.
the more "before and after" moments you have in your memory bank, the better your inner life will be.
you will look back and feel that you really lived your life fully and aware that there's no regret because this is the human nature, which is the nature of the universe: change itself.
embrace that, and you will be embracing truth. your truth.

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