
formal education = respect ????

Its been a long way , got to London a while ago, and started to check on the culture from the inside.
discovered that the formality and diplomacy are just a cover for hypocrisy. No respect is valuable if it's not from the heart.
respect is very easy to break and quite hard to build.
I've encountered some fuc*** stup*** people for whatever reason don't say hello, or nod their heads, raise their hands or attempt any kind of gesture to greet whoever it is entering the room or space around them.
there is no need to talk about culture, or religion, countries, whatever you can think of as a reason "excuse", motive as you wish to call it, when you approach someone of your own kind ( human ) there is a basic form of respect there hidden that needs to be attended, no matter what culture, religion or whatever country you come from.
Animals sniff each others asses for gods sake, at least they have that... which is far better that the shi*** we have for each other... !!!
right, it might be a litter too much for us, but at least they have the basics covered, even without an developed conscience, whatever you say... they respect each other period.
here in London, where all cultures meet, and live together "in peace" you'll find that people living in a sheared house would enter a room with more people inside and won't say hello, and act as you were not there !!!
first time that happened to me was shocking !!!! honestly, and later developed some kind of aversion for that person.
tried to understood the reasons for that behavior but could not find anything acceptable, except a very mentally ill person.
and this is how all cultures live here pretending to stand each other... but the truth is, they are so fed up of each other that are not even respecting the basics of human interaction. And then you wonder why our history its full of wars since the begging of time ????

you can all go back to your countries now.... !!!! and start behaving as a human being again !!!!

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